Saturday, January 4, 2014

The New Year is here and the time for resolutions is upon us. Getting in shape is always a “top list item” and a great way to accomplish the task is to get up and get out. Go explore your world by hiking.

In the world today we are bombarded with screens and appointments. Noise from the electronics and motors only clutter our brains. We are constantly being told what to think and what to do by commercials and advertisers.

Maybe you can make 2014 a year of balance. Find time to get away from the noise of a technologically advanced culture and find yourself in the tranquility of God’s creation. The sights and sounds of His creation will not be asking you to buy new things are indulge in more stuff. The sights and sounds of His creation will be medicine to your soul and I hope will draw you to contemplation of God and life.

Getting out of the house with a nice hike is both physically and mentally rewarding. Check out an observation made by a better blogger than myself.

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